Strasburg VA to Easton PA
At Villa Milagro Vineyards with Audrey Tittle Gambino. Audrey & I are LHS Class of 63. Audrey & husband Steve own this Incredible little winery in Finesville, NJ!
We had a tour of the winery & vineyard.
We had a wonderful time catching up over Audrey’s home cooked dinner.
This was the first time in the past week of staying ahead of Elsa to relax, Despite Team-60s whining all the 4AM starts and long days was to stay ahead of the Storm!
We decided to stay in Easton another day R&R, and wash clothes, oil change, catch up on blog, and Steve offered to take us on a 70 mile tour of the NJ/PA country villages & rural roads tomorrow.
To the East of us Elsa was creating havok with heavy rain, road flooding and 40+ mph winds.
It’s Day 14 and we have 7 days to get to Madawaska ME, 750 mile north.
Class of 63, no way! You all look too young! Must be the hang gliding, motorcycling, and winery!
Glad you’ve avoided the inclement weather
A much deserved break and it looks like a perfect place to do it!
Nice to have a little R&R with old friends…especially at a vineyard!