Tuesday, 8/3/21 – Video Summary, Team 60s March back Home. Green River UT to Mesquite NV

Today’s goal was either St. George UT, Mesquite NV or Las Vegas NV. Heat is our concern now as we get closer the crossing the desert. Our clearing weather here in UT is also bringing on the heat in the dessert to the highs in Vegas being 111 degrees. Our plan is to at least get to St. George,, see how we feel, and try to progress to Vegas if we can as it will make the next day shorter. Where ever we stay, we will be getting up and rolling by 4:30 am to cross the desert.

Watching the news last night I’m glad we did not push for Torrey UT by Capital Reef as the news showed the flash floods from the monsoonal rains flooding the roads

We left Green River at 7:00 am without a cloud in the sky and morning temperatures about mid to high 70’s- beautiful morning!

The rock formations in the distance are amazing out here in southern Utah, which is the home to Moab, Canyon Lands, Capital Reef, Bryce Canyon and Zion NP. We witness in the distance giant jagged rack formations that look they we thrusted upward from within the earth. I could not capture this on a picture as we head south towards Capital Reef National Park.

The rock formations start getting interesting at about our 50 mile mark. We also notice this area was getting water from yesterday’s rains as small pools of water were apparent in the ditches on the side

We then turn west and start heading into the park. Again, so many amazing views that the camera cannot catch. Also, the road get pretty curvy – hard to snap pictures on the bike 🙂 bottom line, you need to witness this whole area.

While riding through the park, I’m glad we didn’t attempt to get here last night as plenty of dirt on the road at spots.

After Capital Reef we climb as pass to 9,500 feet and descend into the Escalante Staircase region. Again, you need to be here.

After that area we enter into Bryce Canyon National Park area with scenery like your in a cave looking at stalagmites, but your outside and the color of the rock is amazing. Again, you need to be here.

Then our last part of the journey take us through Zion National Park. Slot canyons, checkboxes canyons, rock tunnels, steep descents, tight turns… couldn’t take my hands off the bars but the scenery is amazing riding through this canyon. Again, you need to be here…

But as we decent down the canyon temps increase and by the time we get to the other side and are about 100 degrees.

We makes it to St George and the temps are 107 degrees, We stop for gas, assess that we can make it to Mesquite and proceed through another marvel of Mother Nature and mans need to drive through it, Virgin Canyon. Interstate 15 drops right through this canyon with some amazing views but you fight for your life on your bike with the trucks hauling ass through the curves.

We get to the Mesquite and the temps are 115 degrees, and coolers head prevail and we decide to stay out, cool off, and we will do our last push tomorrow morning at 4:30 am to try and beat the heat.

Team 60s Video Summary Green River to Mesquite NV

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5 Responses to Tuesday, 8/3/21 – Video Summary, Team 60s March back Home. Green River UT to Mesquite NV

  1. Steve Whalen says:

    Love riding though Utah such a beautiful area been through there so many times and it’s still breathtaking be safe on the push home. See you when you get here.

  2. Randy says:

    My gosh. Great account…beauty and mechanical nightmare avoiding trucks. Great read. Thanks. Hopefully you aren’t writing this while riding!!! haha It sill be great to hear about it in person.

  3. JeanR says:

    Thank you for being a great tour guide and for sharing your journey. I will definitely take this drive and think of you guys riding through on your bikes.
    Uniquely beautiful, fabulous! Impressive and amazing, everything you’ve done!

  4. JannieV says:

    Breathtaking! I’ve been through Utah – twice on the train and once on a bus. All those parks are on our bucket list – we were scheduled to go via train last summer with the Irish cousins, but Covid. Never been to Grand Canyon, either (also part of the tour). Thanks for sharing – you’re right – pictures don’t do it justice. Glad you’re home safe – so hurry up and finish this blog so I can get back to my other life😂

  5. MattC says:

    I just missed you guys by 1 day.
    I was driving home the opposite direction from Fort Mohave, Az to Green River, Utah on 8-1, then headed home to Castle Rock, Co on 8-2. On 8-1 I hit a couple of big microbursts which with full wipers I was blind. It would not have been fun on a motorcycle. Then 62 miles west of Green River there was a flash flood crossing I70.
    On 8-2 had to detour around Glenwood Canyon so I opted to at least have a beautiful drive and went up to Aspen, over Independence Pass down to Leadville and back out to I70. Here’s a video of the flash flood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkxbyNKaijo

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