Team 70s past 3 days have had incredible weather. The days start overcast with low clouds. By 11AM the sun burns through to blue skies with high white clouds.
Each day has become warmer. Today in Albuquerque at 5PM it was 90°F.
Missed the Cadillac Ranch! We were 50 miles past the Cadillac Ranch when we realized we blew by it!
We ended the day in Albuquerque, NM. We rode 554 miles today.
Perfect weather and some great history! Great pics again today.
Yes, thanks for the pics again. You were on a dirt road by the Leaning Tower?! 😬
The exit road at the Leaning Tower of Texas had a large dirt apron where we parked to take photos. The road was paved.
Did you have lunch at Joseph’s Bar and Grill on your way through Santa Rosa to visit The Blue Hole?
No, we didn’t stop at Joseph’s Bar & Grill. We didn’t stop for meals until end-of-day. Snacked all day small bites.