Grand Rapids MI to Merrillville IL
Today is a short repositioning day, 165 miles, from Grand Rapids, MI to Merrillville, IL. We’re waiting for a storm to pass through the bottom of Lake Michigan area. By 10 AM the coast will be clear!
Merrillville is approximately 45 minutes to the start of Route 66 in downtown Chicago. We plan to be in downtown Chicago at the crack-of-dawn Saturday morning to start our Route 66 experience. This crazy plan is in hopes that we’ll avoid bumper-to-bumper, stop-n-go traffic in the universe known as Chi-ca-go.
We’re trying something different…a Route 66 Navigation” iPhone app that announces turn-by-turn directions. Gary installed on his iPhone and will give him verbal directions via SENA 30K headst ear speakers. It might be good for motorcycle riders. Or not!
Get your kicks on Route 66, bros. 😎😎