Baby steps in 103℉ heat

Our group of 4 USA Four Corners riders will start with Blaine WA as our 1st corner. Three of us, JimmyV, Rick and I live in Orange County CA, my brother Dennis Gary lives on Camano Island WA. The three OC riders will ride ~1,500 mi to start the USA Four Corners Tour at Blaine WA!

My brother has two names …. Dennis is his 1st name and Gary is his middle name. He grew up Gary through school and college but became Dennis after he was drafted into the army where first names were required! He’s going to be Gary in this blog.

I’m departing early to visit family along the way.  JimmyV and Rick will meander north via 395 meeting Gary and I Thursday, June 24 on Camano Island WA.

So, over the last 5 days I’ve ridden the following:

Fri, Jun 18  – Orange County CA to Atwater CA, 336 mi, stopped to visit family.  This first day out was due north on I-5 up the San Joaquin Valley.  It was into a blast furnace!  102℉ beat me up pretty good.  I carry a 1-gal wide-mouth water jug with ice water with long drinking hose.  What a life saver!  I also stopped several times just to get out of the heat and into a cool refrig fast food dining room.  

Sat, Sun, Jun 19-20 – Atwater CA to Leavenworth WA, 863 mi, visiting family.  This was going to be a test after a year of doing nothing!  I plan on riding north being very careful of the heat.  I started at 4AMand planned to ride carefully with lots of water and cooling stops.  At Weed CA the temp were warm but comfortable.  I-97 N took me through Klamath Falls, Bend, Madras, 4th Shaniko, Moro OR.  At Biggs I crossed over the Columbia River into WA.  Still on I-97 N I rode through Toppenish, Yakima, Ellensburg to Leavenworth WA.  

Mon, Jun 21 – Leavenworth WA to Ellensburg WA, 56 mi, visiting family

Tue, Wed, Jun 22 – Ellensburg WA to Issaquah WA, 96 mi, visiting family

Wed, Jun 23 – Issaquah WA to Camano Island WA, 97 mi, arriving at Gary’s residence.  

I fixed a loose RAM mount-ball holding my left mirror.  It wouldn’t lock tight so I Red Loctited the screw.  Hopefully the mirror will stay in position.  Checked the chain tension, and silicon spray lubed the chain.

Tomorrow JimmyV and Rick will join us. The four amigos will rest, do minor repairs/service, test our SENA intercoms, discuss our procedures, and prepare for Friday, June 25 departure to the 1st corner … Blaine WA. We’re hoping to be at the Peace Arch around 8:30 AM.

About Dean Tanji

Long time cohort and riding amigo.
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3 Responses to Baby steps in 103℉ heat

  1. The white wines will be chilled, the reds just right, the coffee hot when you pass through New Jersey. You really should lay over at Villa Milagro Vineyards. My hubbie might even borrow a bike and ride a short distance with you – though I have made him swear that he will stick to ones that he peddles (he completed a 100 mile ride last year and regularly does 30 mi)

    • Dean Tanji says:

      Audrey, at our LHS 50th reunion in 2013, I promised I would stop on my motorcycle for a visit and enjoy your wine! Yes, the Villa Milage Vineyards are on our priority list on leg 3 north on the eastern seaboard. Yes, we plan to layover at the Villa Milage Vineyards.

  2. JannieV says:

    Good to hear from you at last. Team 2 should be arriving 🔜 Enjoy!!!

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